On-demand Webinars
The FelineVMA eLearning Center is your source for feline-specific education. It contains the Cat Friendly Certificate Program, as well as a variety of webinars that provide feline-focused continuing education throughout the year. Click on any of the webinars or programs on this page to register. If you are returning to take a course you already registered for, log in to access the eLearning Center.
5 Cat-Friendly Concepts to Integrate in Your Practice
Drs. Rodan, Colleran, Robertson, Felsted, & Charlier
Adult Cat Nutrition: Assessment and Developing Plans
Dr. Angela Rollins
Sponsored by Royal Canin
A Lifetime of Dental Health Starts in Kittenhood
Dr. Heidi Lobprise
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Analgesia in Cats: Can We Do Better?
Dr. Sheliah Robertson
Sponsored by Zoetis
Anemia in Cats: A Simple Approach
Dr. Guillermo Couto
Sponsored by IDEXX
Approach to Diarrhea in Kittens
Dr. Adam Rudinsky
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Approach to the Vomiting Cat: Causes, Treatment, & Management
Dr. Adam Rudinsky
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Avoiding CATastrophe in Feline Anesthesia – Anesthesia Hacks & Tips from an Expert
Dr. Rebecca Salazar
Sponsored by Zoetis
Calm that Cat…Is it Dermatology or Behavior?
Drs. Ashley Bourgeois & Christopher Pachel
Sponsored by Ceva
Cat Friendly Interactions: Improving Visits for You and Cats
Dr. Ilona Rodan
Claw Counseling: Living in Harmony with Clawed Cats
Dr. Kelly A. St. Denis
Crusty Cats! Diagnostic Approach to Determine the Trigger for Crusted Dermatitis in Feline Patients
Dr. Melissa Hall
Sponsored by Ceva
Does My Cat Have a Drinking Problem? Hydration and Health in Feline Medicine
Dr. Margie Scherk
Sponsored by Merck Animal Health
Early Chronic Kidney Disease in the Cat: How to Detect it and What to Do Next
Dr. Sarah Sweet
Sponsored by IDEXX
Essential Feline Diabetes Management: What’s New in 2023
Dr. J. Catherine Scott-Moncrieff
Sponsored by Elanco
Essential Feline Health Care: Congenial, Compassionate, and Convenient
Dr. Elizabeth Colleran
Sponsored by Zoetis
Every Cat…Every Parasite!
Dr. Susan E. Little
Sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim
Feeding Her Majesty: Basics of Queen and Kitten Nutrition
Dr. Lindsey E. Bullen
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Feline Anesthesia Highlights
Drs. Susan Gogolski & Heidi Shafford
Sponsored by Zoetis
Feline Chronic Enteropathy
Dr. Craig Webb
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Feline CKD: Don’t Wait for Weight Loss
Dr. Audrey Cook
Sponsored by Elanco
Feline Constipation: Update on Acute & Chronic Treatment Modalities
Dr. Ashlie Saffire
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Feline Diabetes – Thinking Outside the Bottle
Dr. Renee Rucinsky
Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim
Feline Fine: Taking the Fear Out of Anesthetizing Cats
Kristen Cooley, CVT, VTS (Anesthesia/Analgesia)
Feline-Friendly Handling & Interactions: Evidence-based Techniques
Dr. Ilona Rodan
Sponsored by Royal Canin, Ceva, and Sleepypod
Feline Hypertension: Essentials in Diagnosis and Management
Dr. Kelly A. St. Denis
Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim
Feline Upper Respiratory Infections: What’s New?
Dr. Carrie White
Sponsored by Elanco
Feline Myocardial Disease: Prevalence, Detection, and Diversity
Dr. Neal K. Peckens
Sponsored by IDEXX
Feline Onychectomy – What We Know and What We Don’t Know
Dr. Kelly St. Denis
Feline Thyroid Disease: Management, Therapy, and Diagnostics
Dr. Elizabeth Colleran
Sponsored by IDEXX
Fleas (and Ticks) Attack Cats
Dr. Susan E. Little
Sponsored by Elanco
FLUTD Potpourri (Part 2)
Dr. Kelly A. St. Denis
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Focus on FeLV
Dr. Susan Little
Sponsored by IDEXX
Happy Cat, Happy Home: Nutritional Idiosyncrasies & Diets for Common Diseases
Dr. Lindsey E. Bullen
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Inside the 2023 AAFP/IAAHPC Hospice and Palliative Care Guidelines
Dr. Sheilah Robertson
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Cats
Dr. Susan Little
Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim
Me-Ouch! How to Identify and Help Cats with OA Pain
Dr. Cathy Lund
Sponsored by Zoetis
Modern Parasitology for the Cat
Drs. Annette Litster & Chris Adolph
Sponsored by Zoetis
Optimizing Feline Samples for Quality Results
Dr. Saundra Willis
Sponsored by Zoetis
New Insights Into Cat-Human Relations and a New Synthetic Pheromone Complex
Dr. Andrew Sparkes
Sponsored by Ceva
Nursing & Nutrition for the Critical Feline Patient Who Just Won’t Eat!
Dr. Ashlie Saffire
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Senior Cats: The Often-Forgotten Life Stage for Nutrition
Dr. Sherry Sanderson
Sponsored by Royal Canin
The Case for Monitoring Hematuria in Managing Cats with Signs of Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Dr. Margie Scherk
Sponsored by Royal Canin
The Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment: Setting Up for Success
Dr. Kelly St. Denis
The Path to Better Feline Care: The AAFP’s Cat Friendly Practice® Program
Dr. Elizabeth Colleran
The Story of Mayhem Maya and Insane Ida: How to Prioritize Nutrition for Kitties with Comorbidities
Dr. Lindsey Bullen
Sponsored by Royal Canin
The Technician’s Role in Diabetes Management
Paula Plummer, LVT, VTS (ECC, SAIM, CP-Feline)
In Partnership with NAVTA
Tips for Practical Approach to Feline Pain Management
Dr. Tamara Grubb
Sponsored by Zoetis
Understanding the Aging Cat
Drs. Beth Boynton, Sheilah Robertson, Hazel C. Carney, Michael Ray, & Kelly St. Denis
Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Purina, Royal Canin, IDEXX, and Zoetis
Weight Loss in the Palliative Care Setting
Dr. Craig Clifford
Sponsored by Kindred Bio
What to Know About the New FIP Therapeutics
Dr. Sam Taylor