Educational Videos for Veterinary Teams
Preventing Cats from Becoming Difficult
When we talk about Cat Friendly handling, we often get asked about specific restraint techniques. But one of the primary goals of Cat Friendly handling is not needing to restrain the cat in the first place. It is not how you handle a difficult cat, but how you prevent cats from becoming difficult!
Why Do I Need to Bring My Cat in for a Yearly Checkup?
Have your clients ever asked, “Why do I need to bring my cat in for an exam every year?” Here is a sample script that outlines key messages you can use during visits to convey the importance of routine feline checkups.
Make Your Practice More Cat Friendly
The following videos have been created to help veterinary teams make Cat Friendly changes to their practices. Click on the play arrow on each photo to watch the video of your choice. The AAFP recommends viewing the videos in order, as they each contain information that is helpful to know in the following video. Watch the entire YouTube playlist today.
How to Make Feline Friendly Changes
Understanding Feline Behavior
Understanding & Preparing for the Feline Veterinary Visit
Being Flexible During Feline Examination
Enhancing the Feline Examination
Feline Friendly Handling during Veterinary Visits
Doing Procedures in the Examination Room
Now You Can Begin to Make Changes in Your Practice
Educational Videos for Cat Caregivers
The AAFP is pleased to bring you two video series designed to help cat caregivers understand the importance of regular veterinary care and how Cat Friendly Practices® (CFP) can help create a positive veterinary experience. These videos can be linked on your practice website, including in newsletters, and shared on social media.
The first series shows how CFPs are able to provide the highest quality of care while showing caregivers a commitment to address the health needs and special considerations of feline patients.
Cat Friendly Practices® Can Reduce Stress of Vet Visits
This video kicks off a three-part series about the Cat Friendly Practice® (CFP) Program with a brief overview that educates caregivers about how CFPs can help their cats by providing a high quality of care, as well as tips to reduce stress at the veterinary practice. For more information or to find a CFP, please visit
Why Cats Need Routine Veterinary Checkups
This video discusses what veterinarians do and look for during a yearly veterinary checkup. During physical examinations, veterinarians can often detect conditions that may affect your cat’s health long before they become a major issue so they can be managed or cured before they become painful or more costly. CFPs provide many beneficial services beyond treating a cat when they are sick or for emergency visits.
A Cat Friendly Practice® Helps Me and My Cats
This video kicks off a three-part series about the Cat Friendly Practice® (CFP) Program with a brief overview that educates caregivers about how CFPs can help their cats by providing a high quality of care, as well as tips to reduce stress at the veterinary practice. For more information or to find a CFP, please visit
The second series highlights why caregivers should bring their cat to the veterinarian for regular care, how to prepare for the visit, the benefits of routine exams, and the importance of preventive care.