Posts for Category: Guidelines
The AAFP Releases New Guidelines on Intercat Tension
New resources to recognize, prevent, and manage tension in multi-cat households Veterinary professionals around the globe now have access to the latest Practice Guidelines created by a Task Force of board-certified veterinary and applied behaviorists and clinical experts in feline medicine and behavior. The 2024 AAFP Intercat Tension Guidelines: Recognition, Prevention, and Management from the -
2024 AAFP Intercat Tension Guidelines: Recognition, Prevention, and Management
The AAFP and ISFM Release New Guidelines on the Long-term Use of NSAIDs in Cats
Veterinarians around the globe now have access to the latest Consensus Guidelines created by a panel of world-leading feline experts on the long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in cats. The most widely used analgesic in veterinary medicine, the 2024 ISFM and AAFP Consensus Guidelines on the Long-term Use of NSAIDs in Cats from -
Groundbreaking 2023 AAFP/IAAHPC Feline Hospice and Palliative Care Guidelines Released
AAFP/ISFM Release Two New Cat Friendly Veterinary Guidelines
BRIDGEWATER, NJ; LONDON, UK; November 2, 2022 – Veterinary professionals worldwide will now have access to two new Cat Friendly Guidelines that promote positive, respectful interactions with their feline patients and reduce the stress associated with the veterinary environment. Published jointly by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the International Society of Feline -
The American Association of Feline Practitioners Releases New Consensus Statement on the Treatment of Urolithiasis
Recent advancements lead to improved feline healthcare BRIDGEWATER, NJ; October 6, 2022 – The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) has released the 2022 AAFP Consensus Statement on the Approaches to Urolithiasis Treatment. The Consensus Statement provides patient-centered, research, and experience-supported recommendations for the treatment of cystoliths in cats. In the past, urolith management was -
The American Association of Feline Practitioners and EveryCat Health Foundation Announce Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Diagnosis Guidelines
New Guidelines provide veterinarians with essential information to diagnose FIP BRIDGEWATER, NJ; WYCKOFF, NJ; September 1, 2022 – The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and EveryCat Health Foundation have released the 2022 AAFP/EveryCat Feline Infectious Peritonitis Diagnosis Guidelines. These landmark Guidelines are published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery and will provide -
Veterinarians and their Teams Serve as Critical Line of Defense Against Antimicrobial Resistance
The AAFP and AAHA release the 2022 Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidelines to Support Efforts Lakewood, CO and Bridgewater, NJ (July 7, 2022) – Antimicrobial resistance due to antibiotic overuse and misuse is a growing threat to human and animal health. Recognizing the important role veterinary teams play in helping keep this danger at bay, the American -
AAFP Releases Updated Feline Senior Care Guidelines to the Veterinary Community
The release provides a comprehensive update from the heavily referenced 2009 AAFP Senior Care Guidelines. [BRIDGEWATER, NJ; June 29, 2021] The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) has released the updated 2021 AAFP Feline Senior Care Guidelines to be published in the July issue of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. This update provides -
Updated Senior Care Guidelines
The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) has released the updated 2021 AAFP Feline Senior Care Guidelines and supplemental materials to be published in the July issue of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. This update provides emerging advances in feline medicine with respect to the aging cat. The Task Force of experts provides