JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Vanessa Barrs on Treatment Approaches to Invasive Fungal Infections

Dr. Vanessa Barrs
All Cats Considered – Episode 204

Vanessa Barrs, BVSc (Hons), Ph.D., MVetClinStud, FANZCVS (Feline Medicine) joins us again to discuss the second part of her article, “Invasive fungal infections and oomycoses in cats 2. Antifungal therapy.” In this discussion, Dr. Barrs relates how caregiver communication is key to successful treatment. In framing these conversations with the end in sight – that the infection can be clinically cured – practitioners should be able to candidly discuss the length and financial ramifications of treatment approaches with caregivers. Dr. Barrs also touches upon fungal susceptibility testing and its role in developing treatment approaches, oral versus IV medication, and how existing comorbidities will dictate treatment. Finally, Dr. Barrs shares her top four tips for successful long-term treatment of fungal infections.

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