JFMS Clinical Spotlight: 2024 AAFP Intercat Tension Guidelines

All Cats Considered – Episode 208

Ilona Rodan, DVM, DAVBP (Feline) and Daniela Ramos, MV, MSc, PhD, Diplomate (Cleve-CVLBAMC) co-chairs of the task force for the recently released 2024 AAFP Intercat Tension Guidelines: Recognition, Prevention, and Management sit down with us to share their valuable insights on the importance of understanding feline behavior and the importance of breaking down myths about intercat interactions. During the episode, the chairs delve into the significance of addressing intercat tension and educating veterinary professionals and caregivers on the subtle signs of tension. Topics that are explored during the conversation include the importance of dispelling myths about feline behavior, such as dominance hierarchies; the impact of intercat tension has on the five pillars of feline well-being; and how positive, consistent interactions and separate feeding areas help to reduce competition and stress among cats. Listeners are encouraged to read the full guidelines which include helpful resources such as case studies, a comprehensive table of psychotherapeutic medications, a detailed algorithm that outlines a systematic approach to intercat tension, and a step-by-step approach to introducing a new cat into a household with one or more cats.

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