American Association of Feline Practitioners

Veterinary professionals passionate about the care of cats

Tracks at Other Conferences

AAFP Tracks at Other Conferences

The AAFP continues to be recognized as the leader in feline health and education. To this end, the AAFP has continuing education tracks at many other major veterinary conferences throughout the year. Below are the conferences, session titles, and speakers. For more information, please visit the individual conference websites.

Online Cat Breeder Conference 2024

July 13, 2024 and August 17, 2024

  • Intercat Tension Guidelines

Speaker: Ilona Rodan, DVM, Dipl. ABVP, Specialist in Feline Medicine, Advanced Certificate in Feline Behaviour - with Distinction

Cat in Rio

August 22-24, 2024 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Intercat Tension: What the New AAFP Guidelines Say
  • Dealing with Intercat Tension Cases According to the New AAFP Guidelines
  • The Feline 5 Pillars Applied to Multicat Households
  • Training Cats - Why Yes?
  • Pheromonetherapy from A to Z

Speaker: Daniela Ramos, MV, MSc, MSc, PhD, Diplomate (CLEVE)

Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association Convention

November 8-10, 2024 - Oak Brook, IL

  • Nursing and Nutrition for the Hospitalized and Inappetent Cat
  • Nutrition and Enteral Feeding in the Inappetent Cat
  • Updates on the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management of Feline Hyperthyroidism
  • Approach to the Cat in Respiratory Distress
  • Case-based Approach to Cats in Acute Respiratory Distress

Speaker: Ashlie Saffire, DVM, DABVP (Feline)

VMX 2025

January 25-29, 2025

  • Feline Hospice and Palliative Care: Which Cats are Candidates?
  • The Ins and Outs of Using Long-term NSAIDs in Cats
  • Painful Cats: Recognizing and Treating Chronic Pain in Cats

Speaker Sheilah Robertson, BVMS (Hons), CertVA, PhD,DACVAA, DECVAA, DECAW, DECAWBM (AWSEL), FRCVS

  • FIP Updates
  • Intercat Tension: Implementing the New Guidelines
  • Multi-cat Households: Solving Intercat Tension - Case-based Presentation

Speaker: Kelly St. Denis, MSc, DVM, DABVP (Feline)

CVE Feline Medicine Distance Education

February 1, 2024 - November 30, 2025

This intensive online course is designed to reinforce, deepen, and broaden your knowledge of feline medicine in a practical, interactive, and enjoyable way. In addition, it will provide you with valuable information to make your practice more feline-friendly. Cement your knowledge with the case-focused workshop. This course is now delivered over 2 years to enable busy veterinarians to manage the comprehensive content. RACE-approved for 324 CE Credits.


    • Jessica Quimby, BA (Anthropology & Zoology), DVM, DACVIM, PhD
    • Ashlie Saffire, DVM, DABVP (Feline)