AAFP members receive exclusive access to the AAFP podcast, All Cats Considered.
There are several ways to access each season on your computer or mobile device.
PLEASE NOTE: To subscribe to the AAFP podcast, use the ‘URL’ referenced in the instructions below for the season you wish to listen to:
Season 2
Season 1
Subscribe using your favorite podcast mobile app
Skip to a mobile app:
Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Castos | Pocket Casts | Overcast | Castbox | Breaker | Podcast Addict | Downcast

Apple Podcasts
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- In the Apple Podcasts app, tap Library
- Click Edit and select Add a Show by URL
- Paste the URL in the field and tap Subscribe
Google Podcasts
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- In your Subscriptions, click Add +
- Select Add by RSS feed and paste the URL
- Click Subscribe
Exclusively for creators and subscribers of private podcasts on the Castos Podcast Hosting platform.
- Download the Castos mobile app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store
- Follow the steps outlined Add private podcast subscriptions to your Castos mobile app
Pocket Casts
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- In the Discover tab, paste the URL into Search and then tap Search
- Select the podcast in search results and click Subscribe
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- Tap the “+” icon to add a podcast
- Select Add URL
- Paste the URL and click Done
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- Select the Discover tab and paste the URL into the search bar
- Click Search
- Click Subscribe
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- Select the Library > Subscriptions
- Tap the “+” icon and select Add from link
- Paste the URL and tap Done
Podcast Addict
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- Tap the “+” icon Then it’ll take you to the
- On the New Podcast screen, tap the “+” icon again
- Select RSS feed and paste the URL
- Tap Add
- Copy the RSS feed URL at the top of the webpage
- Tap Add > Add Podcast Manually
- In the Feed field, paste the URL
- Click Subscribe
Access on your computer or laptop
Listen on catvets.com
Members who visit our podcast directory can click on the title of each episode they wish to listen to and be directed to the episode’s webpage which contains additional information and links. Once there, you can press play and listen to the episode directly in your browser! Please be aware, you must be logged in and it may take a few moments for the media to appear on the page when loading.

Listen using a podcast app on your computer
If you have a podcast app on your computer, you can subscribe to the feed using the instructions below.
PLEASE NOTE: When subscribing to the AAFP podcast, the ‘URL’ referenced in the instructions below is:
Season 2: https://feeds.castos.com/v4pwm?uuid=65dcf5b5b838d
Season 1: https://all-cats-considered.castos.com/feed?uuid=63a34ac6165d0
Apple Podcasts
The Apple Podcasts app comes preinstalled on Mac devices but will need to be installed on a Windows PC.
- Copy the RSS feed URL from above in the “Please Note” box
- In the Apple Podcast desktop app, click File > and select Add a Show by URL from the menu
- Paste the URL into the field and click Subscribe

Google Podcasts
- Copy the RSS feed URL from above in the “Please Note” box
- Sign in to Google Podcasts and open the Menu by clicking the 3-horizontal line icon
- Select Add by RSS feed from the menu
- Enter the feed URL
- Click Subscribe