All Cats Considered Podcast

All Cats Considered is the official Member podcast of the Feline Veterinary Medical Association (FelineVMA). This podcast takes a deep dive into many feline health and wellbeing topics. With interviews from veterinary professionals from around the world, All Cats Considered will cover a wide range of topics and recent developments sharing the key points you need to know to improve your patient’s care.

FelineVMA members receive exclusive access to the inaugural season of this podcast. There are several ways to access our first season.

  1. Click the title of each episode listed below to be directed to the episode’s webpage with additional information and links. Once there, you can press play and listen to the episode!
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Podcast cover

New episodes of the podcast will be released on a monthly basis. Be sure to check back frequently as new episodes are released for additional information and materials that are referenced in the episodes!

Season 2

  • Part One – Dr. Linda Jacobson on the Accessible Care Open Access Special Collection

    In this episode join us to listen to a panel discussion from task force members from ISFM and AAFP on the recently jointly released guidelines, ISFM/AAFP Consensus Guidelines on Long-Term Use of NSAIDs in Cats. Sam Taylor, BVetMed (Hons), CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS, FRCVS, Paolo Steagall, MV, MS, PhD, DipACVAA and Duncan Lascelles, BVSc, BSc, CertVA, PhD, DipECVS, DSAS(Soft Tissue), DipACVS, FRCVS join Kelly St. Denis, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice) to discuss on how these guidelines came about and how they will help practitioners in their daily practice.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Vanessa Barrs on Diagnostic Approaches to Invasive Fungal Infections

    In this episode join us to listen to a panel discussion from task force members from ISFM and AAFP on the recently jointly released guidelines, ISFM/AAFP Consensus Guidelines on Long-Term Use of NSAIDs in Cats. Sam Taylor, BVetMed (Hons), CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS, FRCVS, Paolo Steagall, MV, MS, PhD, DipACVAA and Duncan Lascelles, BVSc, BSc, CertVA, PhD, DipECVS, DSAS(Soft Tissue), DipACVS, FRCVS join Kelly St. Denis, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice) to discuss on how these guidelines came about and how they will help practitioners in their daily practice.

  • Dr. Audrey Cook on Advances in Diabetes Treatment and Therapeutic Approaches

    Michelle Meyer, DVM and Audrey Cook, BVM&S, MRCVS, MSc Vet Ed, DACVIM (SAIM), DECVIM-CA, DABVP (Feline) join us in this episode to detail the massive shift and advances that have been made in feline diabetes treatment with the introduction of the new drug class of SLGT2 inhibitors, velagliflozin (Senvelgo®) and bexagliflozin (Bexacat™). While a standard of care in human diabetes treatment for over a decade, these drugs received recent FDA approval for use in feline patients. Over the course of the conversation, Dr. Cook reviews which patients are best suited for the new therapeutics; what equipment your practice should utilize to conduct diagnostic tests to determine your treatment approach; and the side effects to be cognizant of and educate caregivers. Dr. Cook also touches upon what to do with hypoglycemia instances, if cats with comorbidities can utilize these therapeutics, and the life-changing effects these drugs will have on the lives of caregivers.

  • Dr. Craig Webb on GI Conundrums in Feline Healthcare

    Ashlie Saffire, DVM, DABVP (Feline) chats with Craig Webb, PhD, DVM, DACVIM, Colorado State University on recent GI conundrums in feline healthcare. Dr. Webb helps us to understand recent terminology changes (such as the differences between chronic enteropathy versus irritable bowel disease); his preferred treatment approach and diagnostic tools; the length of time he gives for each diet trial; and the importance of communicating with caregivers about the diet trial process. Dr. Webb also provides insight on why thorough assessments are needed and how the age and severity of illness in the patient will guide his treatment approach.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Christopher Scudder on Hypersomatotropism-induced Diabetes

    In this month’s JFMS Clinical Spotlight, Christopher Scudder, BVSc, MVetMed, PhD, DACVIM-SAIM, DECVIM-CA, MRCVS sits down with Nathalie Dowgray, Head of ISFM, and delves into the world of hypersomatotropism-induced diabetes in cats. An increasingly recognized comorbidity in feline diabetes they discuss the clinical signs, testing protocols, and treatment approaches for this condition.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Vanessa Barrs on Treatment Approaches to Invasive Fungal Infections

    Vanessa Barrs, BVSc (Hons), Ph.D., MVetClinStud, FANZCVS (Feline Medicine) joins us again to discuss the second part of her article, “Invasive fungal infections and oomycoses in cats 2. Antifungal therapy.” In this discussion, Dr. Barrs relates how caregiver communication is key to successful treatment. Dr. Barrs also touches upon fungal susceptibility testing and its role in developing treatment approaches, and oral versus IV medication and how existing comorbidities will dictate treatment. Finally, Dr. Barrs shares her top four tips for successful long-term treatment of fungal infections.

  • 2024 ISFM/AAFP Consensus Guidelines on Long-Term Use of NSAIDs: A Roundtable Discussion

    In this episode join us to listen to a panel discussion from task force members from ISFM and AAFP on the recently jointly released guidelines, ISFM/AAFP Consensus Guidelines on Long-Term Use of NSAIDs in Cats. Sam Taylor, BVetMed (Hons), CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS, FRCVS, Paolo Steagall, MV, MS, PhD, DipACVAA and Duncan Lascelles, BVSc, BSc, CertVA, PhD, DipECVS, DSAS(Soft Tissue), DipACVS, FRCVS join Kelly St. Denis, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice) to discuss on how these guidelines came about and how they will help practitioners in their daily practice.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Clare Rusbridge on Neuropathic Pain in Cats

    Clare Rusbridge, BVMS PhD DipECVN FRCVS, RCVS joins us to discuss her recent article, “Neuropathic pain in cats: Mechanisms and multimodal management.” In this discussion, Dr. Rusbridge relays the nuances of neuropathic pain and how understanding them can greatly influence the approach to pain management. Beginning with an exploration of the differences between nociception and pain perception, Dr. Rusbridge delves into why there are more neuropathic pain syndromes in cats than dogs, the importance of emotional health in pain management, and how to diagnose neuropathic pain versus chronic pain. The conversation also details the importance of caregiver communication and how neuropathic pain management conversations must candidly discuss the burden to the caregiver, which might lead to quality of life and euthanasia discussions. Dr. Rusbridge also explains the treatment algorithm that practitioners can utilize and her reasons as to why she has a preference between pregabalin and gabapentin.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Julien Guillaumin on Feline Aortic Thromboembolism

    Julian Guillaumin, DVM, DACVECC, DECVECC joins us in this episode to discuss his JFMS Clinical Spotlight article, “Feline Aortic Thromboembolism: Recent advances and future prospects.” Dr. Guillaumin shares what sparked his interest in researching feline aortic thromboembolism (FATE), and details how the research and treatment options have changed over the past decade. Additionally, the discussion notes new treatment approaches for general practitioners in managing FATE in patients, why aspirin is no longer recommended, and what therapeutics to use instead. Other topics that are explored include the challenges in managing long-term pain in survival patients, the research finding that surprised Dr. Guillaumin, and the advances he hopes to see in protocols developed to mitigate repercussion injuries of FATE patients.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: 2024 AAFP Intercat Tension Guidelines

    Ilona Rodan, DVM, DAVBP (Feline) and Daniela Ramos, MV, MSc, PhD, Diplomate (Cleve-CVLBAMC) co-chairs of the task force for the recently released 2024 AAFP Intercat Tension Guidelines: Recognition, Prevention, and Management sit down with us to share their valuable insights on the importance of understanding feline behavior and the importance of breaking down myths about intercat interactions. During the episode, the chairs delve into the significance of addressing intercat tension and educating veterinary professionals and caregivers on the subtle signs of tension. Topics that are explored during the conversation include the importance of dispelling myths about feline behavior, such as dominance hierarchies; the impact of intercat tension has on the five pillars of feline well-being; and how positive, consistent interactions and separate feeding areas help to reduce competition and stress among cats. Listeners are encouraged to read the full guidelines which include helpful resources such as case studies, a comprehensive table of psychotherapeutic medications, a detailed algorithm that outlines a systematic approach to intercat tension, and a step-by-step approach to introducing a new cat into a household with one or more cats.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Katie Tolbert on Gastroprotectant Use in Cats

    Katie Tolbert, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM-SAIM, SA Nutrition joins us on this episode to discuss her recent JFMS article, “Rational use of gastroprotectants in cats: an evidence-based approach.” The discussion delves into the differences between gastric acid suppressants and protectants, the role of dietary fiber in feline health, and how to utilize a rationale, evidence-based approach to determine when to use gastroprotectant treatments.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Hugo Swanstein on Feline Friendly Point of Care Ultrasound

    Hugo Swanstein, Cand Med Vet, DVM joins this episode to discuss his recent JFMS article, “Feline Friendly POCUS: How to implement it into your daily practice.” During the course of the conversation, Dr. Swanstein delivers insights and tips on the practical application of feline friendly point of care ultrasound (POCUS) and how it differs from formal ultrasound exams. Sharing a range of tricks and tips on how to incorporate POCUS into daily practice and stressing its value beyond emergency cases, Dr. Swanstein emphasizes that it can be effectively masters with short, consistent practice. He also broaches other concerns relating to time and cost, highlighting POCUS’s efficiency and affordability. Dr. Swanstein also stresses the importance of training for the entire veterinary team, including veterinary technicians, to effectively utilize POCUS.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. John Stockman on Dietary Phosphorus and Renal Disease

    In this episode, Dr. Jonathan Stockman, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition), discusses his recent JFMS article, “Dietary phosphorus and renal disease in cats: where are we?” Throughout the conversation, Dr. Stockman explores the crucial role of phosphorus in kidney disease management and its connection to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats. He explains the differences between organic and inorganic phosphorus, the challenges veterinarians face in monitoring phosphorus levels in feline diets, and the risks associated with both phosphorus deficiencies and excesses. Dr. Stockman also emphasizes the importance of the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in feline nutrition and the difficulties caregivers encounter due to unclear labeling and insufficient regulation of phosphorus content in commercial pet foods. He offers practical solutions for managing phosphorus intake and explains how informed dietary choices can help prevent or manage kidney disease, ultimately improving the quality of life for cats.

  • JFMS Special Collection: Pain and Pain Management in Cats

    This month, we focus on the JFMS Special Collection titled “Pain and Pain Management in Cats”, curated by Dr. Mark Epstein. Dr. Epstein highlights for us what is included in the collection, currently which offers over 10 articles, with more to come, addressing a range of topics related to pain in felines. This collection aims to equip veterinary professionals with the tools to diagnose, manage, and prevent pain in their feline patients.

  • JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Leslie Lyons on Feline Genetic Testing

    Leslie Lyons, Ph.D. joins us on this episode to discuss her recent JFMS article, “Genetic testing: practical dos and don’ts for cats.” The discussion provides an overview of available genetic tests for cats, guiding listeners on which tests are most suitable for different breeds and situations. Dr. Lyons details how genetic testing can be used to diagnose and identify carriers of heritable diseases, empowering breeders to make informed decisions that minimize the occurrence of these conditions in future generations.

  • 2025 iCatCare Consensus Guidelines on Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

    This month we are pleased to bring you a discussion on our latest endorsed guidelines, the 2025 iCatCare Consensus Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of lower urinary tract diseases in cats as our JFMS Clinical Spotlight.

    Listeners will get the opportunity to hear from two of the experts that developed them, authors Sam Taylor, BVetMed(Hons), CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS, FRCVS and Rachel Korman, BVSc, MANZCVS (Int Med), FANZCVS (Fel Med). These guidelines address common presenting signs and provide a diagnostic approach for identifying underlying causes, including feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), urolithiasis, urinary tract infection (UTI), and urethral obstruction (UO).

Previous Seasons

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