JFMS Clinical Spotlight: Dr. Michael Barchilon on Feline Inflammatory Airway Disease

Dr. Michael Barchilon
All Cats Considered – Episode 119

Michael Barchilon, DVM, DACVIM, University of Missouri, sits down with Kelly St. Denis, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice), JFMS co-Editor-in-Chief, to chat about his recent JFMS Clinical Spotlight article, “Breathe easy: Inhalational therapy for feline inflammatory airway disease.” Dr. Barchilon shares how his journey into veterinary medicine began and how he became interested in researching feline inflammatory airway diseases. Dr. Barchilon also covers some practical tips and tricks on airway washes (and how to overcome the fear in attempting them), why he’s cautious in using bronchodilators, and some tips on how caregivers can train their cats to use inhalers, plus much more!

Additional material mentioned in the episode: