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Below you’ll find a social media calendar for the entirety of 2020. Use this as a planning document to generate your own timely social media posts and content pieces. You’ll also receive AAFP social media images and copy each newsletter.

For suggested images to share and reuse, visit the AAFP Facebook Infographics and Educational Flyers Album.


1/2 – Pet Travel Safety Day

1/6 – National Cuddle Up Day

1/14 – National Dress Up Your Pet Day


Pet Dental Health Month
National Cat Health Month
Responsible Pet Owners Month

2/9 – National Toothache Day

2/14 – Valentine’s Day

2/20 – Love Your Pet Day

2/25 – Spay Day USA


Poison Prevention Month
National Kidney Month

3/9 – National Napping Day

3/19 – First Day of Spring


National Heartworm Awareness Month
Pet First Aid Awareness Month
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Stress Awareness Month

4/11 – National Pet Day

4/26 – National Kids and Pets Day

4/24 – Hairball Awareness Day

4/30 – National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day


National Pet Month
AVMA National Pet Week

5/3 – National Specially-Abled Pets Day

5/3 – 5/9 – National Pet Week

5/31 – National Heat Awareness Day


Adopt a Cat Month

6/3 – 6/9 – Pet Appreciation Week

6/4 – International Hug Your Cat Day

6/9 – World Pet Memorial Day


National Anti-Boredom Month

7/4 – 4th of July

7/6 – World Zoonoses Day

7/11 – All American Pet Photo Day

7/15 – Pet Fire Safety Day


8/8 – International Cat Day

8/15 – National Check the Chip Day

8/17 – National Black Cat Appreciation Day

8/17 – National Nonprofit Day

8/18 – Clear the Shelters Day

8/22 – National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day


Catalyst Council’s Happy Healthy Cat Month
Animal Pain Awareness Month
National Disaster Preparedness Month

9/13 – National Pet Memorial Day

9/28 – World Rabies Day


National Animal Safety and Protection Month
National Pet Wellness Month

10/11 – 10/27 – National Veterinary Technicians Week

10/14 – Pet Obesity Awareness Day

10/16 – Global Cat Day

10/27 – National Black Cat Day

10/29 – National Cat Day


Adopt a Senior Pet Month
National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
National Pet Diabetes Month

11/1 – National Cook for Your Pets Day

11/4 – National Stress Awareness Day

11/7 – 11/13 – National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week

11/13 – World Kindness Day


National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
National Pet Diabetes Month

12/5 – Celebrate Shelter Pets Day

And don’t forget to always check the AAFP Facebook page and AAFP Twitter page for topics you can share on your practice page!