You spoke. We listened.
Results from the 2018 CFP Survey revealed your need for educational information to share with clients. So, to help purrfect your client’s feline knowledge, we’ve added a Client Education section to the CFP newsletter.
The information contained within is provided in an easy-to-digest, shareable format – we recommend that your practice engage with clients by sending out a monthly e-newsletter, too. It’s an excellent medium to communicate important healthcare information with them.
Keep it simple.
Share quick facts and tips about their pets and your practice. You can also simply copy and paste our content into your practice newsletter. This CFP benefit will surely be a valuable resource for cat caregivers and will help your clients in between visits.
Topic: Cat Concierge Service
From the Cat Friendly Practice® desk
We want your cat’s visit with us to be as stress-free as possible! If you think your cat has already gotten stressed by being in the car and you’re worried about stressing your kitty more, then please give us a call when you arrive in our parking lot. Tell us when you’ve arrived, and that your kitty is stressing. We will come out to your car and escort you into the examination room.
Topic: Behavior – Re-introducing your cat to your other pets after their visit to our office
Why does my cat do that…?
My 8-year-old cat, Shadow, is always attacked by his sister, Gadget, when we return home from the veterinarian’s office. Why does Gadget do that and what can I do?
Cats are highly sensitive to smells and when Shadow has been at the veterinary clinic, he no longer smells the same to your other pets. This change in scent is alarming to Gadget. One way to ease the transition of bringing Shadow back home is to leave him in the carrier for a few hours and see how Gadget reacts. If Gadget does not accept him, then place Shadow in another room with all his resources (litterbox, food, water, toys, etc.) for a day or two, to allow him time to regain the scents of home. For more tips, visit
Topic: Does my indoor cat need vaccinations
Did you know…?
Yes, indoor cats need vaccinations just like cats who also venture outdoors. While you may not think about it, our indoor furry friends can be exposed when a feline visitor comes into your home, when your cat is allowed into the backyard, and even from ourselves as we can carry viruses and bacteria on our clothes. To read more on vaccinations and indoor cats, visit:
NOTE: We recommend placing these content links within buttons in your newsletter. Utilizing buttons over text links can increase your click-through rate dramatically.