Long Appt Times!!!!

ONE HOUR is the MINIMUM appt! Have time to address everything properly after the cat acclimates FEAR FREEly. PawsWhiskersandClaws.com is looking for an associate to join our practice!

Last Modified:2024-01-19 09:08:58





Located in an affluent suburb of Atlanta, we are lucky to be able to practice the medicine we were taught in school. Feline exclusive, no declawing, and a 3:1 tech/assistant to Dr ratio. We do not board, are closed Wednesdays and open only every other Saturday. Weekdays are 9am to 5:30pm, Sat 9am-1pm. Pay is salary and not commission based. We have VERY compliant clients b/c we have time to educate them and then teach them HOW to medicate. Heavy focus on behavior and multiple disease treatment.